
Let us help!

Crazy. Busy. Overwhelmed. Do these words describe your average week? What if we told you we think those words should be banished from our vocabulary? Instead of helping you find the peace of Jesus just on Sundays, we want to provide you with tools that can help you stay grounded in Him all week long. So we’ve compiled a great set of resources that will help you grow deep roots of faith that will help you stay strong in the midst of any of life’s seasons.


YouVersion is a free Bible app that allows you access to multiple versions of the Bible through an app. It’s so simple that anybody can use it! And we sure hope you do! As a church, we use the Bible App on Sunday mornings with all of the Scripture references and notes for that particular message. If you don’t have it already, make sure you go download this app today!

Grow Guides

Our weekly Grow Guides have been lovingly created just for you based on each week’s message. We’ve written a handful of questions that can be used both on your own, as a family, or in small group to take you deeper into the topic that was taught Sunday. Be sure to take advantage of this useful resource!


We desire to answer the tough questions you may have about the Bible and our world. But we know there are a lot of materials out that that will leave you more confused than equipped. So we are super excited to have a carefully-curated, biblically-solid library for our Multiply members to borrow from!

Check it out at our gathering this Sunday!