Service Project with Mid-Ohio Food Collective

March 26, 2022 9:00am - 1:00pm  |  Mid-Ohio Food Collective

3960 Brookham Drive, Grove City, OH 43123, USA

Our FORth Saturday service project for March is at Mid-Ohio Food Collective.  We will serve on March 26, from 9am-1:00pm.  The location is 3960 Brookham Drive, Grove City, OH 43123.

Mid-Ohio Food collective is a food bank that collects and distributes food.  Their mission is to end hunger one nourishing meal at a time while co-creating communities where everyone thrives.  Their vision is hunger-free and healthier communities.

We will serve in the on-site community pantry and may be serving indoors, or outdoors (or both),  More details to follow.

Please register by March 10, right here.  Mid-Ohio needs a list of names and email addresses of those participating at least two weeks ahead of time (3/12/22), so that everyone can be registered and volunteer numbers confirmed for the project.